June 18, 2017

Three Steps to an Awesome Interview

Elizabeth Murray DO MBA FAAP
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine
Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester

I’m pretty chatty.  Give me a topic to discuss and I’m on it.  However, ask me to write 500 words and I freeze (maybe because I cannot type and “use my hands to talk” at the same time!).  Regardless, a video blog seemed appropriate for this month’s topic of “Three quick steps to an awesome interview”.  

I have experienced great mentorship over the past 15 years.  Even so, I have encountered situations that I never would have predicted.  I’ve found that if I follow these steps (wow, I sound like an infomercial) things work out pretty well.  Remember the goal: provide concise, accurate information that will help children and families lead healthier lives.  You are the expert, you’re a Pediatrician!  Time to get out there and share what you know!
